Metro West – Fundraising Events

October 22nd – Trivia Night

The Blue Springs Lodge hosted a Trivia Night to raise money for the Lodge’s Veteran Committee. There was a larger than usual crowd, and altogether raised $2,000 for the Veterans with a combination of entry fees, 50/50, and icebreaker games,

August 28th, 2022 – Missouri Patriot Express

The Patriot Express is a series of motorcycle related events and fundraisers, designed to raise the awareness while providing donations, support, and counseling, to the families of our injured veterans, including the troops who return from duty with long-term medical care needs. The 13th Annual Missouri Patriot Express Dice Run was held today, and the Blue Springs Lodge #2509 provided lunch for the riders, and a place for the address by Dave Barr, double-amputee and head of the Dave Barr Foundation. Proceeds from this year’s ride go to Fisher House.