Recurring Needs:
Standdowns at St. Michaels – This is typically a reoccurring event that was stopped last year due to Covid concerns. This typically occurs in June.
Bowling for St. Michaels Residents – This occurs quarterly, put on primarily by Charlie and Darrell. It entails transporting 6 residents to a bowling alley, paying from two lanes for about 1-2 hours. A fast-food lunch is usually provided. The Committee has allocated up to $250 for each event.
Birthday Party for residents at St. Michaels – This is an event that is done quarterly, and it provides cake and $20 cash for residents who have had their birthday in the previous quarter. In the past, the cake has been purchased with VAVS funds, and a Lodge has volunteered to provide the cash and conduct the event.
Annual Fundraiser for the Committee – We typically have a Raffle of some kind each year to raise money for the Committee to support our donations. In the past we did a gun raffle, this year we are doing a Cash raffle with the intention of attracting a larger number of participants. Each lodge is allocated tickets based roughly on their membership. This is usually held in the first quarter of the year.
Individual Lodge donation to the District Veterans Committee – This is a new addition that requests those lodges that want to participate to donate $300 annually to the District Committee. This funding is in addition to our annual fundraiser.
Support for St Michaels Dignity Pantry – This involves purchasing personal hygiene product for the residents at St. Michaels. Distribution used to be monthly, but due to Covid, it is now done quarterly.
Support for St. Michaels Food Pantry – This involves purchasing fresh and canned product for the residents of St. Michaels. Distribution is weekly.
Support St. Michaels New Residents – Usually done with a grant, the needs include all furnishings for the unit, including dishes, etc. We have not traditionally done the beds, but we may include that this year.
Groceries for Fisher House – This is an ongoing need for the Fisher House, and will continue into the future.
Cooking Teams for the Fisher House – There is a need to provide cooking teams to provide occasional meals for the temporary resident at the Fisher House. At present they only have one team.
Missouri Veterans Home, Tree of Stars – This is a Christmas program for the home that puts dog tags with holiday messages on the tree at the home created by the donor. Typical donation is $200 per lodge
Missouri Veterans Home, Christmas Store – This program is also a Christmas program that helps fund a “store” that the residents can “shop in” to select a gift for a loved one. This is one way they can send Christmas gifts outside the home. Level of donation varies.
Missouri Veterans Home, Fundraisers – We support multiple fundraisers for the home throughout the year. These fundraisers typically include a Golf tournament and Walk / Run event.
Non-Recurring Needs:
Elks Leather Gloves – These are provided by the Committee to the VA Hospital on an as-need basis to support disabled veterans and other veterans in need of gloves
Color Pamphlets describing Elks support for Veterans – These pamphlets are distributed free of charge at no cost to the committee as a marketing pamphlet describing the support the is given Veterans at all level of Elkdom. They can be used to had out to new incoming members.
St Michaels new building start-up – The new building will house an additional 56 residents, who will need move-in supplies as well as beds. Lots of donations will be needed for the opening of the building in 2023.
VA Hospital – We receive requests for clothing like socks, underwear, t-shirts, and puzzle books. We also provide coffee as well as needed, and gift cards for food, canteen books ($5 gift cards to the hospital restaurant).
Missouri Veterans Home, Weekly Friday Residents party – As requested, we provide individually packed snacks.
Missouri Veterans Home, Replacement supplies – As requested, we provide hygiene products, replacement TVs, DVD players, etc.